Cultural Colloquium: Getting at the gap


About the Colloquium

A 1-day event hosted by STEM Gateway, the STEM Cultural Colloquium: Getting at the Gap aims to bring together professionals from STEM initiatives across campus, to engage in dialogue about how to best structure and implement STEM programs for optimal levels of student success. The colloquium will focus particularly on the success of STEM students from underrepresented populations. The event includes presentations from esteemed leaders in STEM initiatives from UNM and outside Universities, and aims to provide a diverse array of perspectives on how to better meet student success objectives.

This event will be held on Friday, April 1st, from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm at the Student Union Building (SUB) in Ballroom A on UNM’s main campus, and will include a panel discussion with representatives from successful programs across campus.  (Registered participants will receive breakfast, lunch, and refreshments.)

Colloquium Purpose

The colloquium’s purpose is to discuss some of the issues related to STEM education in the state for underrepresented students that do not get addressed like imposter phenomenon, sense of belonging, non-cognitive variables, micro-aggressions, self-management skills, and more. These issues disproportionately impact underrepresented students, specifically those of color, and hinders realization of their capabilities. Although this event is targeted towards stakeholders with an interest in supporting STEM students, we highly encourage all individuals interested in these topics or student success to attend.

Goals of Colloquium

  1. To better understand underrepresented populations in STEM.
  2. To increase awareness of issues that lead to the educational gaps in achievement.
  3. To learn new ways of alleviating the gap by developing processes, programs & Mindsets that address these needs.

Click on the link to Sponsor This Event.

Guest Speakers

Gabriel Lopez

 Dr. Gabriel López (Opening) - University New Mexico, VP for Research & Economic Development and Professor of Chemical & Biological Engineering (Bio; VIDEO


 Dr. Laura Rendon (Luncheon) - University of Texas – San Antonio, Professor of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies (Bio; VIDEO

Saundra McGuire

 Dr. Saundra McGuire (Closing) - Louisiana State University, Emerita Professor of Chemistry (Bio; VIDEO

Schedule - Download Full Program Here!

9 am - Opening - "A Gateway to Diversity: The role of the research university in transforming the STEM pipeline" - Gabriel Lopez, PhD - University New Mexico, VP for Research & Economic Development and Professor of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering

9:35 am - "How We Teach, Matters" - Gary Smith, PhD - University of New Mexico, PI STEM Gateway & Assistant Dean of Faculty Development, School of Medicine (Presentation)

10:20 am - Panel Discussion - Antonio Bañuelos, MS (Program Coordinator; PREP - Post-baccalaureate Research and Education Program) withAlfredo Bolanos (PREP Scholar), Ricardo Romero, MA (Director; McNair/ROP - Ronald E McNair Scholars Program & Research Opportunity Program), Matthew Moyd (Senior, biology major), Joseph Cook, Ph D (PI/Director; UnO - Undergraduate ResearchOpportunities) with Donavan Jackson (Graduate - Masters, biology), Elaine Manzanilla, MS (Program Coordinator; UPN - Undergraduate Pipeline Network), Steven Peralta, MSEE (Director & Academic Advisor; ESS - Engineering StudentServices) with Erika Yegerlehner (Senior, mechanical engineering), Lisa Paz (Director of Membership & Communications; AISES - American Indian Science and Engineering Society), and Gary Allison, MA (Program Specialist; CAPS - Center for Academic Program Support).

11:40 am - 12:05 pm - Lunch is Served

12:10 - 1:10 pm - Luncheon - "The Importance of Working With A Culturally-Validating, Asset-Based Student Success Framework in STEM" - Laura Rendon, PhD - University of Texas – San Antonio, Professor of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies (Presentation; supplemental material)

1:15 pm - "Increasing STEM Identity: The Natives in STEM Project" - Lisa Paz (AISES - Director of Membership & Communications), Chelsea Chee (NM EPSCoR - Diversity Coordinator), and Mary Jo Daniel, PhD (Director, Faculty Research Development, University of New Mexico)

2:00 pm - "Context Diversity: A New Paradigm for Explaining the Achievement Gap among Underrepresented Populations in STEM Disciplines" - Roberto Ibarra, PhD - University of New Mexico, Associate Professor Emeritus of Sociology (Presentation)

2:45 pm - "Mindfulness of Global Learning and Mind-Brain Education in STEM" - Jamal Martin, PhD -University of New Mexico, Director of Peace and Justice Studies

3:30 pm - Closing - "Metacognition: The Key to Changing Mindsets and Closing the Achievement Gap" - Saundra McGuire, PhD - Louisiana State University, Emerita Professor of Chemistry (Presentation)


Register ($50) to reserve your spot today! Space is limited to 110 participants, so please register HERE. 

Are you an Undergraduate? Scholarships are available for free attendance, submit your registration HERE.


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